Daily Review: Day ending in 2024/01/09

Definite Chief Aim

  • Lesson with Kerry
  • Respond to 1836 re: repair of leak in Austin property
  • Pay for parking tickets

I’m becoming more and more aware of the sleep (or rather, lack thereof) and its impact of my mental health. Last night, I slept at about 10:30pm and woke up at about 4:30 am — about 6 hours of sleep, give or take. And when I awoke from consciousness, I could feel my vulnerability factors were high. Impuslve control low. Historically, I would just “power through” the day: jump in the shower, turn on the cold water knob, and GO. But I listened to my body today (thank you body for taking care of me all these years), and ran a warm bath, followed by paired muscle relaxation (PMR) and paced breathing. In retrospect, I honestly have no clue how I got through graduate school, while working at Amazon (Web Services), and parenting Elliott — all at the same time. I was obviously burning out back then and again, unaware of the impact (on my mental health).

I’m starting the “work day” late, since I wanted to bring my better (not best) self to the computer, taking a nap between 9:15 and 10:15am, a short pre afternoon nap. And my brain and body thank me; I’m not no longer struggling to keep my eyes open while sitting behind my keyboard, and can focus.

And, as much as I love the dogs sleeping with me, especially Metric, Mushroom wakes me up really early so tonight, I’m going to keep them out of the bedroom in order to get a good night’s rest.
